Calm being groomed, handled and bathed
Teaching your dog to be calm being groomed, handled and bathed
I absolutely love being a dog trainer - I am a real animal lover and this job allows me to help people connect with and understand how to motivate their dogs to form a partnership with the. I particularly enjoy working with adolescent dogs and fearful dogs since these are 2 groups which are frequently misunderstood and manhandled.
Teaching your dog to be calm being groomed, handled and bathed
Teaching your dog to be calm having the collar/harness and lead put on
Meeting the needs of your dog with grooming, bathing and being confined
Meeting the needs of your dog to help them deal with frustration
Meeting the needs of your dog for ingestion
How to help a dog who doesnt like travelling
Using the 90/10 rule for success!
Recognising dog body language
Meeting the needs of your dog by ensuring they have the right kind of exercise
Meeting the needs of your dog by ensuring they have enough sleep
Tel: 07860 124 138
Email: [email protected]
Postal address:
28 Temple Way,
Worth, Kent,
CT14 0DA
Location of classes:
Ash Village Hall,
Queens Road, Ash,